Documents for buying real estate
If you want to buy a property in Groß Glienicke, Gatow, Kladow or Staaken, you have to deal with two types of documents. On the one hand, there are the documents that you should consult in order to make an informed decision and, on the other hand, the documents that are necessary for the purchase and thus the financing.
One of the documents you should check before buying a property is the extract from the land register, which contains all the important information about the property and its ownership. It provides information about possible encumbrances such as land charges or rights of way, which you should take into account. Another indispensable document is the current development plan. This gives you information about the permitted development so that you can ensure that the property meets your individual needs. In addition, you should have a copy of the current land use plan, which gives you an overview of the long-term development of the surrounding area. Which documents are important for the respective property and your personal plans differs depending on the situation. In order not to overlook any important information, we at Bream Immobilien will be happy to advise you and take care of obtaining all documents. In this way, we help ensure that you make an informed decision that you will be happy with in the long term.
To ensure that the purchase can be completed without delay once you have found your new property, the financing should have been arranged beforehand. Please note that some banks may take several weeks to check your documents, others only a few days – this varies greatly – plus the time you need to gather all the relevant documents. In addition to salary statements, the income tax statement and a SCHUFA self-assessment, this also includes proof of credit. Together with our financing partner Hüttig & Rompf, who have access to several hundred banks, we ensure that all documents are available in good time for a smooth purchase.