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Havel in Kladow

Happy in your own property even in old age – Our service for seniors in Berlin & Potsdam

In the course of life, needs and priorities change. What was once considered a dream home can become a burden in old age. Especially from a financial point of view, owning your own property can be a challenge. With our services for seniors, we specialise in helping our clients turn their property in the areas of Kladow, Groß Glienicke or Staaken into financial relief.

Life annuity & partial sale offer you financial security

Senior hält Haus in den Händen

One option is a life annuity. You sell your property and receive a monthly pension in return. You can continue to live in your house and no longer have to worry about repairs, maintenance or property tax – the new owner takes care of that. The annuity is an ideal solution for seniors who want to enjoy their life in their own four walls and at the same time seek financial security.

Another option is the partial sale with usufructuary rights (rights to use the property). In this case, you sell part of your property and retain the usufructuary right at the same time. This means that you can continue to live in your house or rent it out and take care of the maintenance yourself. You receive the proportional sales price immediately. The rest after further sale or your heirs after your death. The partial sale is an ideal solution for seniors who need financial support but are not ready to give up their home completely.

As real estate agents for seniors, we know that every situation is unique. That is why we advise you individually to find the best solution for your needs. We take the time to answer your questions and show you all the options. We aim to provide you with a stress-free and financially secure future.

We pride ourselves on helping our clients continue to enjoy their property without financial worry. Contact us to find out more about our services. We are always here for you and happy to help. Your order is important to us! You decide. We act.